【DomoAI Premium】Premium features

【DomoAI Premium】Premium features

Last Updated
Last updated April 27, 2023

About AI Painting

This premium membership benefit refers specifically to the AI painting function in the community: D/Artist_Domo.

Regular Users  VS  Premium Users

Regular Users
👑 Premium Users
AI Painting Times
❌ 3 times/per day
✅ 20 times/per day
Precessing Time
❌ Regular processing time, queuing needed in peak hours
✅ VIP fast processing lane, no queue at all.
Img 2 Img Generation
❌ Only free for 3 times per day, extra 2 Do coins required for each more AI painting
✅ No extra Do coins needed

About the copyright of AI works

On the basis of complying with the AI painting principles set by D/Artist_Domo (including but not limited to painting designated characters, IP, etc.), the creator authorizes to enjoy the copyright of the AI pictures created by the users, which means that the creator can use the pictures you generate arbitrarily , can be used commercially.
Since the AI model uses a large number of pictures as samples for machine learning, it may cause controversy when it involves specific people or other commercial IPs. In such cases, potential risks must be carefully considered when commercializing.